Saturday September 14th, 1918
Practice as usual.
Training as per Programme
This morning B Company is learning how to use entrenching tools and the ‘tactical handling‘ of Lewis Guns. This afternoon, the Battalion will compete in the Brigade’s Cross Country Run. Meanwhile Frank, after some PT, is at band practice.
Flying Pigs

The British 9.45 inch heavy mortar was nicknamed by the troops the ‘flying pig’. It was equivalent to the French 240mm trench mortar (upon which it was based) and the German 25cm schwere minenwerfer. Such heavy mortars were used primarily on the Western Front to destroy enemy strongpoints and bunkers.
The first photograph shows a heavy trench mortar and its crew in an old German trench in Pigeon Wood, Gommecourt in March 1917 during the German’s first retreat to the Hindenburg Line. Because it is snowing, one of the men is placing a cover over the end of the barrel to protect it from the weather.

The second photograph shows the weapon loaded with a bomb, presumably getting ready to fire it.
The flying pig’s usefulness started to decline when the German’s tactics changed to use only a lightly held front line and thus there were fewer targets in range. Whilst mobile, each mortar required four carts to move its barrel, base, carriage and ammunition and considerable preparation to re-site it.
Therefore it became increasingly redundant when the ‘war of movement’ resumed from spring 1918 onwards.
9th Battalion War Diary – 14th September 1918 – Haudricourt
Training as per programme. Programme of Training, week ending 21-9-18 (Appendix No 3) issued. 1 OR is struck off the effective strength on admission to hospital Boulogne 11-9-18. 1 OR having rejoined is taken on strength 13-9-18.
References & Further Reading
¹ 9.45 Heavy Mortar on Wikipedia
* Q 4922, copyright Imperial War Museums
^ Q 4923, copyright Imperial War Museums