Thursday September 26th, 1918
Field practice. Band as enemy.
Brigade Scheme Purpose

According to the BWD, the Scheme today will allow the Brigade to practice:
- Attack formation and initiative of commanders
- Communications
- Writing of messages
- Ammunition supply
The photograph shows the troops of the 12th Bn, Gloucester Regiment advancing in formation parallel to Bucquoy-Achiet-le-Petit Road to capture Achiet on August 21st, 1918 during the Battle of Albert.*
Brigade Scheme
The Brigade Scheme carried out today seems to be a type of war game, a rehearsal for battle. It is described as follows:
‘General Idea
An Eastern force is operating against a Western force. The Western force has been driven out of its trench system and has been fighting a rearguard action for four days and is endeavouring to fight a delaying action to give time for completion of its defence further West.
Special Idea
The 66th Division is advancing on St Pol by two roads, with 198th Infantry Brigade on Arras – St Pol Road and 199th Infantry Brigade on the Habarcq – Izel-les-Hameau – Penin – Maizieres Road. South African Brigade in reserve following in rear of the 199th Infantry Brigade.
On night of 25/26th, the 66th Division is holding an outpost line from Arras – St Pol Road (inclusive) South of Aubigny to Moyellete inclusive having been employed on 25th inst. for the first time.
The 243rd Infantry Brigade is on the left of the 199th Infantry Brigade.
Orders are received from XXV Corps that pursuit will be continued at dawn on 26th inst.’¹
Why the Band was selected to play the enemy is anyone’s guess.
9th Battalion War Diary – 26th September 1918 – Manin
Brigade Scheme carried out according to scheme attached (Appendix No 7).
2Lt F Ruddy MC DCM and 2Lt O Hamilton are struck off the strength of the Battalion with effect from 17-9-18 on being posted to 199th LTMB. Authority AG/2158/5239. 3 OR are struck off effective strength after 7 days in hospital 25-9-18. 1 OR having rejoined from hospital is again taken on 25-9-18.
References & Further Reading
¹ Appendix 7, 9th Battalion War Diary, National Archives
* Q 11504, copyright Imperial War Museums