Tuesday October 22nd, 1918
Reported sick – three days light duties. Letter from home – first for three weeks.
Praise from GOC
It looks as though Major-General Bethell of the 66th Division is very happy with the performance of the Brigade over the past few weeks. He has sent a very warm message to everyone, particularly the ‘Commanders, both officers and NCOs‘ whom he praises for their ‘initiative‘.
Similarly, in a few days time Brigadier-General Williams of the 199th Brigade will send a letter to the 2/3rd East Lancs Field Ambulance thanking them ‘for the prompt way in which the wounded men were evacuated from the forward area during operations October 18-20, 1918‘.
2/3rd East Lancs Field Ambulance (ELFA)
The 2/3rd ELFA has had a busy time. They are treating troops, French civilians who have been gassed and prisoners of war. Their tally for the week ending October 26th, seeming to exclude civilian numbers, will be 3,132, broken down as follows:
Wounded – 2,194
Sick – 743
Patients returned to duty – 43
Wounded prisoners of war -152
Not many have returned to duty this week – though presumably this will include Frank, who rejoined the Battalion yesterday.
Structure of the Lines of Evacuation
The following sketch map† shows the set up of the 1/2nd ELFA in May 1917. It runs from the front lines in Havrincourt Woods (roughly 18km to the south west of Cambrai) about 10 kms to Bus and Fins.
The network of Regimental Aid Posts and Forward Bearer Posts in Havrincourt Wood stretches through the Loading Posts and Reserve Loading Posts to the Advance Dressing Station (ADS) in Ruyaulcourt. From there are two routes. One of these runs to the Casualty Clearing Station in Ytres and beyond to the Divisional Rest Station (DRS) in Bus. The other goes to the Corps Main Dressing Station (CDMS) in Fins. More information on Field Ambulance layout is here.

9th Battalion War Diary – 22nd October 1918 – Elincourt
Extract from orders: ‘The GOC wishes to express his thanks to all ranks for the excellent work done in the recent fighting. He is very proud of the successful beginning made by the new 199 Brigade, which shows invaluable co-operation of all units. He commends especially the initiative shown by all Commanders, both officers and NCOs. This combined with the keenness of the men, has enabled us to exploit success and promises great results in future operations.’
References & Further Reading
† Sketch Map of the location of 1/2nd East Lancs Field Ambulance, June 1917, National Archives Ref WO 95/2652/2, Crown copyright