Monday June 10th, 1918
Reveille 4:30. Breakfast 5. Work on Cugunci show ground morning 7-11. Very hot. Feel a little groggy. Rest afternoon. Went to 22nd Divisional Concert Hall. Tired when back.
Concert Hall
Did Frank go to see the Clickety Clicks this evening? If so, this is quite a departure from his life at home. According to my mother, Frank and Sarah never even went to the cinema during their lifetimes. I am not sure where a Divisional Concert Hall measures against that.
Another Front
The rather matter-of-fact announcement in today’s Battalion Diary that the 13th ‘…has been selected to serve on another front’ is actually quite a bomb shell. The 13th Manchester’s are leaving Salonika!
Since Germany’s Spring Offensive had launched back in March 1918, the British had been mobilizing as many men and units as possible and despatching them to France. The maximum age for conscription is now 50, thousands of men are being combed out of UK-based battalions and civilian roles. Even the work force for essential industry is being depleted. The Forces based internationally are being reviewed and, where possible, being redeployed.
Spring Offensive – Michael & Georgette
Michael and Georgette, the first two of the four planned offensives that made up Germany’s Spring Offensive have ended. Ludendorff himself, halted the second of these, Georgette, at the end of April 1918. Both had started with huge promise, breaking through and advancing miles into Allied territory. Both ended as little more than large bulges in the enemy lines that stretched German defences. Neither achieved its strategic ambition and while Allied losses were horrific, so were those of Germany.

The photograph shows a line of British troops blinded by gas at an Advanced Dressing Station near Bethune, 10th April 1918, during the Battle of Estaires.* This battle was the first fought during the German’s operation Georgette. During this battle (9-11th April) and the overlapping Battle of Messines (10-11th April), the situation for the Allies was desperate. It caused Haig to issue his now famous order of the day: ‘With our backs to the wall and believing in the justice of our cause each one of us must fight to the end.’ According to AJP Taylor ‘This had much effect in England, though it provoked little except derision among the fighting troops.’³
The photograph is similar to the painting, ‘Gassed’ by John Singer-Sargent.
Spring Offensive – Blücher-Yorck
The third German offensive, Blücher-Yorck, commenced just a couple of weeks ago, on 27 May. Initial success meant that German troops advanced to the Marne River and by June 3, they were within 56 miles of Paris. Psychologically this was a huge blow to the Allies, particularly the French.
However, once again, the Allies mobilized reinforcements and halted the German advances. Once again, ‘losses were much the same on each side: 137,000 Allied and 130,000 German casualties up to 6 June. German losses were again mainly from the difficult-to-replace assault divisions.’¹
As AJP Taylor recorded, ‘Once more the German had marched into a sack; they had not broken the French front.’ ²
However it is against this backdrop of half-a-million Allied casualties within three months, and a seemingly constant wave of German offensives, that troops from other fronts are on the move. Consequently, the 13th (Service) Battalion of the Manchester Regiment is heading for France. Frank is going west.
13th (Service) Battalion War Diary – 10th June 1918 – La Marraine
Information received from Brigade that the Battalion has been selected to serve on another front. Lieut HM Woollam is struck off the effective strength of the Battalion on proceeding to Base for medical examination with effect from 17-5-18. 2Lt JR Penswick is struck off effective strength with effect from 9-5-18. Lt W Foskett embarked Salonica 30-5-18 for Egypt to join Indian Army. Lt FWW Eaton invalided to UK 31-5-18 under WO C?? 46784 or 6784 ?? AG?? 29-11-17.
References & Further Reading
¹ ‘Spring Offensive‘ on Wikipedia
² ‘The First World War: An Illustrated History’ by AJP Taylor (Penguin), Kindle locn 2337
³ as ², Kindle locn 2280
* Q11586, copyright Imperial War Museums