Tuesday September 3rd, 1918
Band Practice 9am till 11am and 2pm to 3pm. Finish. Wrote home.
Platoon Competition

As we discovered a few days ago, the new fighting unit of the British Army is the platoon. Consequently the 199th Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Williams, has decided that platoons will play a key role in the Brigade Competitions later this month.
The broader, Battalion-based competitions will focus upon physical fitness with events such as cross country races and soccer. By contrast, the platoon competitions are very militaristic, covering musketry and assault tactics. Each platoon will be small – comprising only 28 soldiers and an officer. However its skills composition will exactly match that required for combat readiness – with one Lewis Gun section and two Rifle sections.
The photograph shows a rifle grenade competition at a sports meeting held by the 1/7th Battalion of the Black Watch at Bailleul-aux-Cornailles in May 1917.^
9th Battalion War Diary – 3rd September 1918 – Haudricourt
Training as per programme. The GOC wishes Battalions to carry out platoon competitions during platoon training. Each Battalion will produce two platoons for the Brigade Competition by the 24th inst. The Brigade contest for six platoons will take place between the 24th and 28th inst. Platoon competitions will consist of:- a) turn out (marching order), drill, close order, handling arms; b) assault course, physical training; c) field practice with ball ammunition; d) tactical handling scheme.
Strength of platoon to be made up as follows:- Platoon HQ, 1 subaltern, 1 batman, 1 runner, 1 platoon sergeant, one Lewis Gun section of 11, two Rifle sections of 7 each, 14. Total 29.
7 OR having rejoined the Battalion are taken on the effective strength 3-9-18. 2Lt JH Hodges, A Coy was invalided to UK 8-8-18 and is struck off the strength of the Bn from that date under GRO 3578 para 1d. 7 OR are struck off the effective strength from various dates on admission to hospital in UK whilst on leave. 1 OR having rejoined is again taken on strength from 2-9-18. 3 OR are struck off effective strength from various dates after 7 days in hospital.
References & Further Reading
^ Q 5355, copyright Imperial War Museums