Sunday September 8th, 1918
Feeling better again. Band plays for Church Parade. Letter from Luther Rogers and 2/6 – wrote back. W. Tomkinson dies in hospital. Me and Thompson go on firing party. Raining hard.
William Tomkinson
William Tomkinson, 5098, had been with the 13th Battalion since its inception, embarking for France on 7th September 1915. As such, he earned the 1914-15 star.
Exactly three years later, as Frank writes today, Private Tomkinson has died in hospital. He died from lobar pneumonia, possibly as a complication from Spanish Flu.²
Private Tomkinson will be buried in Blargies Communal Cemetery Extension in Oise, France. There will be no special inscription on his gravestone. ¹
Stout as a Tonic

The Medical Officer has decided that men undergoing anti-malarial treatment should receive an issue of stout twice a week during the Quinine Parade. I don’t know how Frank, as a tee-totaler, will react to this latest medical instruction.
In the 19th and early part of the 20th century, stout had been thought to be nutritious and strength-giving. As such, it was recommended as a pick-me-up to both the sick and nursing mothers.³ Guiness, in particular, harnessed these sentiments in its adverts and with slogans such as ‘Guinness is good for you’.
Obviously the MO subscribes to these health-giving properties – especially for troops worn down by malaria.
9th Battalion War Diary – 8th September 1918 – Haudricourt
Church Services. Parade Service for Brigade 9am. An issue of stout on the recommendation of the Medical Officer to men undergoing Anti-Malarial Treatment will be made twice weekly at Quinine Parade. 1 OR is struck off effective strength on evacuation to stationary hospital Rouen 5-9-18. Route for Cross Country Run – Across country to Villers-Roupied Road – Road to Lozieres – NE along Haudricourt – Aumale Road, South along road towards Lannoy-Guilliere, SW to A2 area, skirt edge of A2 area and wood, cross stream near miniature range – cross Haudricourt – Aumule Road. Finishing point – Sports Ground.
References & Further Reading
¹ W Tomkinson on CWGC
² Death from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic on CDC website
³ Is Guinness really ‘good for you’? on CNN
* Guiness advertisement, may be subject to copyright.