Wednesday September 11th, 1918
Raining hard. Only half an hour’s rehearsal. Fine afternoon – march with drums. Going crater?? now.
Band Programme

The Programme of Training for the Band differs considerably from that of the rest of the Battalion. This morning B Company is ‘training in the attack with Lewis Guns, Rifle Grenades etc.‘. This afternoon ‘third class shots‘ are receiving ‘musketry instruction‘ and all the companies are practising cross-country running and Tug-of -War for the Brigade sports meeting.¹
The photograph shows troops practising rifle aiming at the ‘Bull Ring’ training camp on the dunes between Etaples and Camiers.*
Meanwhile, all week, Frank’s days should be as follows:
‘Daily Band Programme
In the Camp and under the command of acting Regimental Sergeant Major Harrison:-
07:30 – 08:15 PT
09:00 – 11:00 Band Practice
11:30 – 12:00 Gas Drill
14:00 – 15:00 Band Practice
17:00 – 18:00 Voluntary Band Practice
NB They will attend the CO’s parade’ ¹
Today rain has obviously interfered with the programme. Despite this, with a fine afternoon, Frank gets to march with the drums – a stirring prospect.
Platoon Size
A few days ago, we reported on the platoon as the primary unit of attack. The size of the platoon ranged from 28 to 44 men plus an officer. Today, the Battalion Diary notes that the platoon size will now be standardized on the smallest composition. It appears that the bombing only section will be removed and the rifle grenadiers will be split across the two rifle sections. All men surplus to the platoon will become ‘reserves’.
9th Battalion War Diary – 11th September 1918 – Haudricourt
Training as per programme. Ref Platoon Training, there are now only three sections in each platoon, one of which is a double Lewis Gun Section, and the remaining two are rifle sections. These are made up as follows:- HQ of Platoon, 1 Officer, 1 Sergeant, 1 Runner, 1 Batman (also used as runner), one LG section (1 NCO and 10 men), two Rifle Sections (each composed of 1 NCO and 6 men. 3 men of each of these rifle sections to be trained as Rifle Grenadiers.) Total 29. All men surplus to these 29 will be referred to as reserves. 6 OR struck off effective strength after 7 days in hospital with effect from various dates.
References & Further Reading
¹ The Programmes of Training from September 2nd to 13th 1918, 9th Battalion War Diary, Appendices 1 and 2
* Q 33332, copyright Imperial War Museums
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