Operation Order No 8, October 7th, 1918

Operation Order No 8

(Appendix No 3 of the Battalion War Diary for the 9th Bn, Manchester Regiment, October 1918)¹

General Plan 

1.   A general attack is taking place on a wide front. The XIII Corps Sector is shown on the maps issued with 2nd American Corps on the Right and 5th Corps (38th Division) on left. The date of attack is 8th October 1918.

Corps Plan

2. Forming up line on 13th Corps front is shown in black on maps issued to Coys today. A) the attack to the first objective (red line) is being made by the 66th Division on a two Brigade front in conjunction with the 7th Brigade (25th Division) on the right and 1st 9th Brigade (50th Division) on the left. Dividing line as shown on maps issued. B) The capture of the 2nd objective (green line) is being made by 66th Division on a one Brigade front. At the same time the 2nd American Corps is to capture Premont.


3 A) The 199th Brigade with its 432nd Field Company RE and D Coy 25th MG Battalion will be concentrated by 1400 on Y day in the Hindenburg Line in A15d and A21b 

B) Zero Hour 0510 8th Oct 1918. 

C) At Z-1.5 hrs the head of the column will pass cross roads A16 in 7.7 and will move along the line A15 d 9.5 – A17 C9.4 – A18 d0.0 – south of Torrens Canal – Mushroom Quarry (B20 as 5.8) – West of Belle Vue Farm to assembly position in rear of Beaurevoir – Guisancourt Farm Road on the following order:- 9th Manchester Regt and Attached Units; 5th Connaught R and Attached Units, 18th (LHY) Kings Liverpool Regt., 199th Brigade HG and Signal Sections, 432nd Field Coy RE (less two sections), D Coy 25th MG Bn (less ?? Sections), 199th LTMB

D) Assembly positions are shown on the maps issued

E) Coys will report  aerial in assembly positions

F) Coys will move up in threes, each with a guide at distances of 100 yards


4) The attack on the green line with the 5th Connaught R on the Right and 9th Manchester R on the left. Leading troops will cross the red line at Z + 2.25 hrs (ie as soon as the barrage lifts). They will not leave their assembly positions before Z + 1 hr. The attack will be directed by Left of 5th Connaught Rangers.

Movement from Assembly Positions

5) Attacking Bns will move in Artillery Formation with advance guards from the assembly position to the red line with left of the 5th Connaught R. And the right of the 9th Manchester Regt keeping touch in the road Belle Vue Farm – La Sablonniere – Pre Folie Farm. They will keep as close formations as shelling conditions will allow. All officers will be given a compass bearing to final objective to ensure direction.

Objectives and Boundaries

6) Bns are allotted the following objectives and boundaries:- 

A) Objectives, 5th Connaught Rangers green-line from U21 b75 – U 14 b5.7 including Serain

9th Manchester green-line from U14 b57 – T12 b6.1 including high ground NW of Serain

B) Boundaries 5th Connaught Rangers right flan U25 d 7.4 – U21 b 7.5. Dividing line between Bn U19 c8.5 – west of side of road from Les Folies to Serain – Western outskirts of Serain Village to  U14 central – U8 d6.0. 9th Manchester left flank T17 a 2.2 – T12 b 6.1


B Coy U14 b5.7 inclusive to U 7 d6.4 inclusive

C Coy  U7 d6.4 inclusive to T12 b6.1 inclusive

Support Coy (A Coy) U13 central

Reserve Coy (D Coy) U19 A0.7


7. The following important points will be organized as defended localities immediately after capture.  5th Connaught Rangers U21 b0.6 U15 d0.6, Mill (U14 b9.8). 9th Manchester B Coy U8 c4.3, C Coy U7 central. B Coy to get into touch with U14 b9.8. C Coy to get into touch with 6th LF at T12 b2.2


8. The 13th (LHY) King’s Liv R will be in reserve but until permission is given by the Division. They may not be used.  They will move in rear of the attacking Bn by the route detailed in para 6.

Machine Guns

9.  As soon as B & C Coys have captured their objectives on the green line, 2 sections of  D Coy, 25th MG Battalion will be sent up to B Coy and 2 VMG’s to C Coy to be used for the defence of the captured objectives.


10. As soon as C Coy has captured its objective, one section of the  432nd Coy RE will be sent to OC C Coy to assist in the consolidation of strong points in U7 central.  When OC C Coy has finished with them, they will be despatched to OC B Coy to assist in the consolidations of strong points U8 C4.3


11. Instructions regarding aeroplanes have already been issued to Coys.


12. Visual Runners and Mounted Orderly Services will be established between Battalions and Brigade HQ


13. HQ will be established as follows:-

A) Brigade to Zero – A15 d9.3 with report centre at Mushroom Quarry. 

Zero to Z plus 1.5 – Mushroom Quarry with advance report centre at Belle Vue

Zero plus 1.5 – 2.5 Belle Vue Farm with advance report centre at T29.a (cross roads)

Zero plus 2.5 -3.5 at cross roads T29.a with advance report centre at Pte Folie Farm

B) Bns will establish their HQ on the track Bellevue Farm – La Sablonniere – Pte Folie Farm and after capture of Green line as follows:-

5th Conn R U20 a5.7

9th  Manch Les Folies

Synchronization of Watches

14. Brigade Signal Officer will synchronize watches at 1800 on Y day and at Zero – 3


15. Coys will acknowledge immediately on receipt

LA Turvey Capt & Adj


1.  Aeroplanes will drop smoke bombs on west exit of Serain from Z + 3 hrs for 20 minutes. 

2.  No other smoke is being used on the Brigade front.

3.  Contact aeroplanes will call for flares at zero + 2.35 hrs, Zero + 4 hrs and Zero + 5 hrs

4. If only slight resistance is met with on green line being taken, 198th and South African Brigades may be required to go through again on a two Bn front, each Brigade about 2,000 yards frontage. Dividing line U14 central U9a central

5. If enemy is found to have retreated during today, 198th and SA Brigades may be called upon to take over line and follow him up. Each on a two Bn front.

References and Further Reading

¹ Copyright of National Archives, Kew, London